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10oz ceramic cup with hand carved runes inspired by archaeological evidence. 


Runic Love Poem

In 1955, a fire destroyed a large part of the town Bryggen, Norway. This massive excavation of a medieval village led archeologists to discover over 550 items with runic inscriptions dating back to 1150-1350 AD. Icelandic Rúnakefli ( Runesticks) were the ancient people’s method of sending simple messages to one another, comparable to telegrams or modern day text messages. This was an important archaeological discovery that became evidence that runes were used for far more than previously thought. This was an illumination into the mundane everyday life in ancient times as archaeologists found inscriptions of trade receipt, name tags, Old Norse poems, Latin poems, Magic formulas and curses, religious inscriptions, drunken nonsense, secret messages and confessions of love. During this era, it was said that men would carve love messages or poems into sticks and drop them along the laps of the women they had interest in. Among the runesticks discovered in Bryggen, the following inscriptions of love were found after being buried for centuries; just waiting to be discovered.


Mun þú mik, man ek þik. Unn þú mér, ann ek þér.

Remember me, I remember you. Love me; I love you.



*One of my special Penny Glaze combinations, 'Old Copper Patina.'

Check out my blog to read about Penny's glazes; a serendipidous glaze inheritance. 

Runic Love Poem Cup

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